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Requires Authentication
The following routes are available for this service:
GET,POST/favoritesUse to get a list Resource Items
Imports System
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Runtime.Serialization
Imports ServiceStack
Imports ServiceStack.DataAnnotations
Imports ASH.ResourceLibrary.Interfaces.ServiceModels
Imports ASH.ResourceLibrary.Interfaces.Models

Namespace Global

    Namespace ASH.ResourceLibrary.Interfaces.Models

        Public Partial Class Meta
            Public Overridable Property ResourceCount As Integer
            Public Overridable Property Title As String
        End Class

        Public Partial Class ResourceCard
            Public Sub New()
                Tags = New List(Of Tag)
                Screenshots = New List(Of ScreenshotItem)
            End Sub

            Public Overridable Property Id As String
            Public Overridable Property Title As String
            Public Overridable Property Description As String
            Public Overridable Property DescriptionSummary As String
            Public Overridable Property Type As String
            Public Overridable Property Content As String
            Public Overridable Property IsComplete As Boolean
            Public Overridable Property IsFavorite As Boolean
            Public Overridable Property IsImplicitlyComplete As Boolean
            Public Overridable Property MediaPath As String
            Public Overridable Property IsConfirmable As Boolean
            Public Overridable Property IsWcagCompliant As Boolean
            Public Overridable Property Duration As String
            Public Overridable Property Preview As String
            Public Overridable Property Calories As Integer
            Public Overridable Property Instructor As String
            Public Overridable Property Thumbnail As String
            Public Overridable Property Difficulty As String
            Public Overridable Property Tags As List(Of Tag)
            Public Overridable Property Subtitles As String
            Public Overridable Property Screenshots As List(Of ScreenshotItem)
            Public Overridable Property DrmEncrypted As Boolean
        End Class

        Public Partial Class ScreenshotItem
            Public Overridable Property LargeFilepathS3 As String
            Public Overridable Property ThumbFilepathS3 As String
            Public Overridable Property Order As Decimal
            Public Overridable Property Description As String
        End Class

        Public Partial Class Tag
            Public Overridable Property Id As String
            Public Overridable Property Title As String
        End Class
    End Namespace

    Namespace ASH.ResourceLibrary.Interfaces.ServiceModels

        Public Partial Class BasicResourceLibraryRequest
            Public Overridable Property ResourceLibraryMemberId As Integer
        End Class

        Public Partial Class FavoritesRequest
            Inherits BasicResourceLibraryRequest
            '''Set it to true if requesting saved resources only from digital library
            <ApiMember(Description:="Set it to true if requesting saved resources only from digital library")>
            Public Overridable Property DigitalFitness As Boolean

            '''Set it to true if requesting saved resources only from health library
            <ApiMember(Description:="Set it to true if requesting saved resources only from health library")>
            Public Overridable Property HealthLibrary As Boolean

            '''Set it to true if requesting saved resources only from vptr
            <ApiMember(Description:="Set it to true if requesting saved resources only from vptr")>
            Public Overridable Property Vptr As Boolean

            '''Set it to true if requesting saved resources only from wellbeing
            <ApiMember(Description:="Set it to true if requesting saved resources only from wellbeing")>
            Public Overridable Property Wellbeing As Boolean

            '''Set it to true if requesting saved resources only from health
            <ApiMember(Description:="Set it to true if requesting saved resources only from health")>
            Public Overridable Property Health As Boolean

            Public Overridable Property Limit As String
            Public Overridable Property Offset As String
        End Class

        Public Partial Class ResourceItemsLiteResponse
            Implements IResourceItemsLiteResponse
            Public Sub New()
                ResourceItems = New List(Of ResourceCard)
            End Sub

            Public Overridable Property ResourceItems As List(Of ResourceCard)
            Public Overridable Property Meta As Meta
        End Class
    End Namespace
End Namespace

VB.NET FavoritesRequest DTOs

To override the Content-type in your clients, use the HTTP Accept Header, append the .xml suffix or ?format=xml


The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.

POST /favorites HTTP/1.1 
Accept: application/xml
Content-Type: application/xml
Content-Length: length

<FavoritesRequest xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/xml
Content-Length: length

<ResourceItemsLiteResponse xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
  <Meta xmlns:d2p1="">
  <ResourceItems xmlns:d2p1="">